
Steve Jobs’ Sounding Board


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Hi there,

I’m sure you’ve been reading a lot about Steve Jobs over the past few days.  I guess it’s an indication of the impact he’s had on the way our world operates.

By all accounts he wasn’t perfect and like us all, he had his strengths and weaknesses but in the context of what these weekly emails are about (inspiration) he certainly scored high.

I’m reading a book called ‘The Steve Jobs Way’ by Jay Elliott at the moment. Jay was Senior Vice President of Apple, responsible for all corporate operations, including HR, Facilities, Real Estate, IT, Education and Pacific Rim Sales. While he worked at Apple, sales grew from $150 Million to more than $3Billion. By many, he was regarded as one of the few sounding boards to Steve Jobs.

Here’s one exerpt from the book:
“Steve has a power of vision that is almost frightening. When he believes in something, the power of that vision can literally sweep aside any objections, problems or whatever. They just cease to exist.”

He went on to say that his vision came from his passion. Passion for great products.  Products that would change the world.

He also writes that he (Jobs) genuinely recognised that great products come from teams that are passionate and had a very keen eye for getting and keeping the right talent on the ‘Apple bus’.

Re you…

How clear are you on your vision?  And your team?

What could you do to bring more clarity or passion to it?

Write those actions down and start taking the first steps.

All the best,
