
What Is The Most Important Thing?

We’re now into the last weeks of 2019. Wouldn’t if be great to squeeze the very best out of it, so that we turn the corner with momentum and set ourselves up for a strong start to 2020?


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“The most important thing is not to stop questioning.

Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”

Albert Einstein

“No, that’s not the most important thing.”

This was my response to a client who had just described to me the No.1 thing they thought they needed to do.

Their answer was a good one – but it wasn’t the most important. Not in terms of the key result they were looking to achieve.

Often the most important thing is hidden from us because it is clouded by unconscious fear or else a lack of experience.

In this case, it was a bit of both.

They kind of knew what they should do but they didn’t want to lean into it because it was in their ‘uncomfortable zone’. Yet if you do the right actions needed for a result, you’ll usually succeed.

We’re now into the last weeks of 2019.

Wouldn’t if be great to squeeze the very best out of it, so that we turn the corner with momentum and set ourselves up for a strong start to 2020?

There is one way to do that – using the MIT approach (Most Important Thing).

There are many things to be done this month in your world. But for each area of your life there is only one MIT…

Try this:

What is the most important thing you can do in your role in business for this month?

  • How can you check it’s the most important thing? (because often what you think is the most important really isn’t)
  • If it is, what is your next step?

What is the most important thing you can do in your personal life for this month?

  • How can you check it’s the most important thing?
  • If it is, what is your next step?

Because as the saying goes,

‘The most important thing is to make

the most important thing

the most important thing.”



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