
Your Most Valuable Ideas


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“Think too much, and you’ll create a problem that was not even there in the first place.”
– Anonymous
I was looking at some research there recently where executives in the USA were asked where and when they usually get their best ideas.
The top 3 answers were:
1. On vacation/holidays
2.In the shower
3. While travelling to and from the office
What this tells us is that the ideas that really made a difference to these people, came when they weren’t thinking about work. Yet how many people over-think things when faced with challenges or problems? It’s an interesting one.
So the question is, how much space/time am I creating for ‘not thinking’? And how do I increase it?

ps – If you have another preferred way of getting ideas, please let me know.
Upcoming Events:
***Talk in Dublin with  Seminars.ie on Wed 24th Sep, 7.30pm – ‘The Blind Spot’.  All details here.
*** CREATE – Creative thinking and doing workshop.  4th Sep morning.  All detailshere.