
Nano Nano Robin Williams


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“No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.”
– Robin Williams

It seems appropriate to give centre stage to one of Robin Williams’ quotes this week.  Maybe like you, I grew up watching him on ‘Mork & Mindy’,which at the time was one of the top TV shows around. I remember the excitement of waiting to see what he’d doin that week’s show.

His passing is very sad, yet he leaves an impressive legacy. A life spent making people laugh, movies that entertained and touched us and perhaps most of all (as we are now hearing) doing a lot for others without ever seeking recognition.

Here’s a short video of an out-take from the movie Awakenings. In it, he achieves something rare…  making Robert De Niro laugh!
Nano, nano Robin.
Thanks for the inspiration.
ps – 2 bonus quotes from the comedic genius:

“A woman would never make a nuclear bomb.
They would never make a weapon that kills, no, no.
They’d make a weapon that makes you feel bad for a while.”

“Why do they call it rush hour when nothing moves?”


*CREATE workshop – 4th September.  Full details and booking here.

*Public Talk on 24th September in Dublin with seminars.ie – ‘The Blind Spot – The Unseen Key To Clarity, Performance and Confidence.  Early bird rate of €25 before 31st August.   Full details and booking here.