
3 Ways You Can Help Your CEO/Leader And Vice Versa

“Help me... help you. Help me, help you.” - Tom Cruise as Jerry Maguire in the Movie ‘Jerry Maguire’ 3 Ways You Can Help Your CEO/Leader 1. Be Visual: Most leaders in business are visual thinkers. So lean on that. Draw on a white-board to show a situation, get them involved. If using slides use simple graphics. A picture tells a thousand words etc. 2. Be Concise: Your leader wants it punchy. Do the hard work for them by being clear on what you want them to know. Forget the 3 page report - What are the 3 things they need to know/remember from your meeting? If you make it easy for them it's appreciated and noted.


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“Help me… help you.
Help me, help you.”

– Tom Cruise as Jerry Maguire in the Movie ‘Jerry Maguire’

3 Ways You Can Help Your CEO/Leader

1. Be Visual:
Most leaders in business are visual thinkers.  So lean on that.
Draw on a white-board to show a situation, get them involved.
If using slides use simple graphics. A picture tells a thousand words etc.

2. Be Concise: 
Your leader wants it punchy.  Do the hard work for them by being
clear on what you want them to know. Forget the 3 page report – What are the 3 things they need to know/remember from your meeting?  If you make it easy for them it’s appreciated and noted.

3. Be Easy To Manage: 
Get crystal clear on what they expect from you.  Top 5 priorities etc.  Then be
someone who delivers results, not problems, consistently.
Do more than you’re paid for and think like you own the business.

CEO/Leader:  3 Ways You Can Help Your Team (& Yourself)

1. Ask Why: 
Before you disagree with someone about the solution to a problem or challenge, ask them what their proposed solution is and most importantly, ask why.  The why helps explain their reasoning which provides useful and often unseen information to you.

2. Help Them Prioritise:
Business is always changing.  You can really help your direct reports by being clear on what you see as their priorities – this helps everyone stay aligned on what really matters.  Check in with this weekly to ensure you and they haven’t gone off track!

Or if you have you’ve agreed it.

3. Inspire:
Remind them of where their contributions fit into the bigger picture. You have
a  unique view as the leader.  Help them connect to the deeper meaning/contribution
of their role.  Don’t assume they can see it.

Food for thought.

Next TimeShift Workshop Dates: 
3 morning workshops over 4 weeks to build vital work and life changing habits.

This training helps you improve the output of your most precious resource – your time. It also improves your clarity, mindset and energy.

The next TimeShift workshop runs in Dublin from Wed 26th August.

All details and booking facility here.

The Autumn workshop is always well attended so if you’re interested,
I’d advise booking soon.

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