
Hurricane Irma, Harvey & 9/11

"In the midst of every crisis, lies opportunity.”


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“In the midst of every crisis, lies opportunity.”

– Albert Einstein.

My experience with the above quote is that it’s 100% true.

But it’s hard and emotionally challenging to dig deep to find the opportunity.

With today being the anniversary date of the tragedy that was 9/11, and recent devastating events in Houston and Florida, it’s made me really appreciate where I live.

A lot of life is luck of the draw and the place you grow up in is one of them.

I feel very grateful and lucky for the temperate climate and also of the ‘neutrality’ of my home country, Ireland.

I am also reminded of the extreme courage and generosity that emerges whenever crises like these hit.

We will hear of heroic stories and of people who stepped up in self-less ways for others. Within us all are the seeds of determination and humanity. But we can get lost in our pursuit of our goals and also distracted with what are in reality ‘petty things’ in our businesses and lives.

As a result we can often completely ignore the great we have around us and more importantly, within us and each other.

A focus on petty things can distort our view of the world and as a result compromise our ability to give our best.

If you’re on my mailing list, it means that like me you probably share a desire to make things better – for yourself and the people around you.

Here’s something to consider:

If your life was at stake what would you do differently today? Or this week?

Would you drop what’s annoying you?

Would you appreciate the things or the people you perhaps take for granted?

Would you focus on being more in the moment?

Improving in any areas of the above will make you better – in particular with regard to your state of mind, which by default will being an improvement in everything you do – professional and personal.

Perhaps, it’s not until we are faced with a crisis that we start to realise what’s truly important. And we might also be inspired to activate our inner determination on other areas.


ps – If you’re interested, this might be of interest to you in terms of supporting the victims of Hurricane Harvey and Irma: https://www.oneamericaappeal.org


TimeShift – Rock Your Work And Get A Life. (Dublin, 27th Sep start)

This training will shake up your habits or work, life and thinking – all with the goal of improving your productivity and quality of life.

If you’re interested in accelerating your progress on a personal and professional level, please take a closer look at this training. Next program starts 27th of September in Dublin. All details here. 


The Fear Challenge. Read here. 

The Best (And Hardest…) Success Tip. Read here.

Doing A Federer. Read here

The Most Valuable Resource. Read here. 

Half-Way Through The Year Already. Read here. 

Cultivating And Abundance Mentality. Read here. Identifying The Biggest Barriers To Growth – Business And Personal. Read here.


Improve Your Clarity & Focus Through My Online Course, ‘BluePrint Online’

BluePrint Online is a unique and successful online workshop that helps you gain clarity, motivation and focus, using a proven method. It has been run for hundreds of people over the past 7 years, and is now available online. Improve your clarity around a 3 year vision and 12 months plan for your personal and professional life. More info here