
Are You Chasing Or Releasing Focus?


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“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.”

Bruce Lee

Focus is a big topic of conversation in our house at the moment.

My children Jane and Sam have milestone exams this year, so focused study is higher up the list of priorities than other years.

I don’t know about you but I’ve found that focus is a very personal thing that you have to get your own feeling for. I know my own feeling of the right type of focus – the kind where I’m fully there in an easy, effortless way.

I used to fight with myself to be focused but I realised over time that it wasn’t effective, because it’s not a battle you have to win. In fact, the harder you push to “stay focused,” the more it seems to slip away.

For example, think about when you’re looking at something far away. Clarity doesn’t come from straining your eyes. It comes from relaxing, from letting the image come to you. The same principle applies to your work and your life.

Focus doesn’t respond to tension or force—it thrives in ease.

The more you let yourself settle into the task, the more naturally you’ll find yourself drawn into it. What once felt like effort transforms into flow.

The real issue isn’t a lack of focus; it’s a lack of practice.

Focus is a skill, not a personality trait. Just like you wouldn’t expect to sit with a guitar and play a song without practice, you can’t expect to master focus without giving it time and attention.

Cal Newport, author of Deep Work, describes focus as the ability to enter a state of sustained attention. It’s not about waiting for the right conditions or forcing yourself into productivity—it’s about training your mind to tune out distractions and go deep.

Here’s the surprising part: this isn’t as hard as it sounds.

It’s less about doing more and more about cutting away what doesn’t matter. When you treat focus as a craft to be refined, it stops feeling like a struggle and starts becoming second nature.

The key is to make focus almost sacred. Protect your time fiercely. Stop saying yes to every request. Create space for the things that matter most and learn to get better at saying no and letting go of what doesn’t.

When you approach your work and life with ease instead of resistance, focus isn’t something you chase—it arises naturally.

It’s almost as if there’s a reservoir of deep focus inside everyone, just waiting to be released, like water inside a dam.

This week, maybe experiment with your focus.

Stop trying to wrestle your way into concentration. Start creating the conditions for it to find you. (Your own intuition and creativity is invaluable here)

Consider relaxing more into it. Engage fully with what’s in front of you. (Especially if you’re mind is saying it doesn’t want to do it – this is usually a sign that it’s important)

And let focus take care of the rest.



PS – I share a little more about effortless focus in my latest episode on The Inner Edge podcast, out today. Link below.

The Inner Edge Podcast – Most Recent Episode:

Ep 210: The Art Of Effortless Focus

Listen on my website here or on all major podcasting platforms.

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