
Believing In The Impossible Being Done


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“Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.”

– This quote is often attributed to Chinese philosopher Confucius,

“I want to thank you for enabling me to believe in the impossible being done.”

Someone I respect hugely once said this to me. They had achieved their ‘Mission Impossible.’ While they were generous in their praise, they deserved all the credit because they were the ‘warrior in the arena.’ They were the one to create their dream.

The truth is that what you perhaps think is impossible is often within your reach. But too often, we tell ourselves stories that shut us down from even considering possibilities beyond what our inner voice tells us.

We set limits based on past experiences or the expectations of others. What we sometimes forget is that those limits are just constructs of the mind. They don’t reflect what’s truly possible.

If you look at some of the greatest achievements in history, you’ll find that many started with someone giving themselves permission to dream beyond what seemed rational or ‘possible’ at the time.

But often we’ll tell ourselves that that person had something special. The truth is they don’t. They were just willing to give themselves permission to dream beyond the ordinary. They usually lived with regular doubt but they kept taking action.

Creating your impossible doesn’t have to change history, but it could change your history.

Maybe you’re on the edge of something that feels out of reach, something you’re not even sure you should pursue. It might be easier to convince yourself it’s not for you.

But here’s a thought challenge: What if you just give yourself permission to believe in the impossible? Even for a moment?

What seems impossible in your life or business, but it would be really great if it happened?

At the very least, genuinely sitting with this question opens the door to new perspectives, new ideas, and new opportunities. And importantly, new thinking and as a result new actions.

At its best? You just might start into a journey that really surprises you in what you can create.



The Inner Edge Podcast – Most Recent Episode:

Ep 201: Stepping Outside Your Story: How Letting Go Unlocks Limitless Possibilities

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