
A Surprising Truth


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So did you do your ‘Stop Doing’ List last week?

If you did, then I’d suggest you give it a quick review to see if you stuck to it or if there’s more to add to it.

Last week’s email certainly got a great reaction and seemed to hit a nerve with people.

Personally, I believe if you did a ‘Stop Doing’ list every month you’d make dramatic changes.

If you were stuck for ideas here’s some of the ones that came back to me last week:

– I decided to stop selling and let my sales team do it

– I stopped moaning, blaming and worrying.  I actually started enjoying work again!

– I stopped watching tv for the week and read a book instead

– I stopped my email inbox from being open all the time – It saved me hours!

– I stopped reacting to other people’s priorities and focused on my own.

– I stopped going to meetings that have no agenda and didn’t really need me there!

– I stopped listening to Morning Ireland and switched to Lyric fm instead.

So there’s no inspirational quote this week, just a reminder on how useful having a ‘Stop Doing’ List is…

But what I do have for you is some inspiration on what motivates and inspires people, communicated in one of the most innovative ways I’ve seen in a long time. If you have a few minutes, it’s worth it.

The surprising truth about what motivates us

Have a great week,

