
How To Get Through The Tough Times

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when they’re seemed to be no help at all.” - Dale Carnegie One thing we can all be sure of is that life and business will throw punches at us. And the strongest punches are usually unseen until they hit. I’ve been lucky enough to have experienced a few traumatic events in my business and personal life - lucky because without those events I probably wouldn’t be enjoying the career or life I now have. Here’s a few insights I’ve learned from those traumas. Top 5 Tips To Withstand The Tough Times:


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“Most of the important things in the world have been 
accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed
to be no help at all.” 

– Dale Carnegie

One thing we can all be sure of is that life and business
will throw punches at us.   And the strongest punches are usually unseen
until they hit.

I’ve been lucky enough to have experienced a few traumatic events in
my business and personal life – lucky because without those events I
probably wouldn’t be enjoying the career or life I now have.

Here’s a few insights I’ve learned from those traumas.

Top 5 Tips To Withstand The Tough Times:

  1. Remind yourself that it’s not permanent:
    Yes, we have to deal with reality but we don’t have to give up hope.
    People in worse situations than you have survived and thrived – why not you?
  2. Surround yourself with the right people:
    In a business context this is critical – be with people who have your back, will tell you the
    truth and believe in you.  Find people you trust that you can talk to for advice, support
    or counsel.  Don’t be an island.
  1. Prioritise your physical health:
    It often gets dropped in tough times when you need to do just the opposite.  Just doing this one alone is worth it’s weight in gold because of the physical and mental benefits.  This one also means food and drink – in tough times, my advice is to stop alcohol altogether.   You’ll think better.
  1. Prioritise:
    Identify the top 5 things that will make the biggest difference this week and do them.  Prioritise the top 3 daily and do them.  Keep your number 1 goal/priority in your mind at all times.  When overwhelmed, write your priorities down.
  1. Get into nature:
    When tough times hit we can often retreat into ourselves.  Nature has an unseen benefit that impacts our state of mind, creativity, problem solving ability etc. Get out for a slow walk in nature and practice ‘being there’ (mindfulness etc.) – it could be by the sea, up in the hills, a forest.

If you’re not getting punched right now, maybe share this with someone who is.

As you know small things can help in a big way, because we all get hit at one time or another.

Food for thought.

Next TimeShift Workshop Dates: 

3 morning workshops over 4 weeks to build vital work and life changing habits.

This training helps you improve the output of your most precious resource – your time. It also improves your clarity, mindset and energy.

The next TimeShift workshop runs in Dublin from Wed 26th August.

All details and booking facility here.

The Autumn workshop is always well attended so if you’re interested,

I’d advise booking soon.

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