
In tough times, here’s where the money comes from


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“In tough times, the money flows through the strongest
– Rob Brown, Reputation Expert
What do you think?
Personally, I really believe this statement.   And with trust in general at an all time
low (In governments, institutions, financial houses etc.), 
if someone really trusts you, that is ‘golden’.
So who are your strongest connections?
And do you take some time out regularly to make them stronger?
I often have this conversation with business owners, just as they’re about
to spend a lot of money on advertising or marketing, without really
knowing for sure if it’s going to have any impact.
Why not spend your time/money in an area that you know
will work and be very appreciated? — i.e your top customers
Usually if you look after your top customers, and develop
a genuine relationship with them, not only will they remain loyal
to you but they generally also refer you nice business.
Of course, I do believe the key is being genuine about it.  There’s nothing
worse than knowing someone is being nice to you just because they
want your business.  But nowadays I believe people are too smart for that
kind of approach and quickly switch.
But here’s the thing…
if your strongest connections are your richest resource, how much
attention do you really give them?
— in your personal life as much as your business one.
I don’t know how many times I’ve heard a version of this:
‘I neglected so many relationships because I was obsessed with my business.’
So here’s 2 ideas to consider this week:
1.   Business: Take 1 day out a month and prioritise your key business relationships
i.e your top customers, referrers etc.  Nourish your connections and do so
with no agenda.  You will be amazed at the results.
2. Personal: Plan time to develop your personal connections. Do something
special for someone that means a lot to you.  It could even be just to say thank you.
Food for thought,
Have a great week,
Best Regards