
Microsoft’s CEO’s Thirst For ‘X’ is what drives him…

“I am...defined by my curiosity and thirst for learning... I buy more books than I can finish. I sign up for more online courses than I can complete. I fundamentally believe that if you are not learning new things, you stop doing great and useful things.” Satya Nadella, CEO Microsoft The best that I know are probably defined by two words - ‘curious’ and ‘hungry’. Their curiosity is reflected in their approach to creating new things, solving problems and a genuine openness to different points of view. Their hunger is reflected in their drive to learn new things, always seeking ways to do things better and perhaps most of all in being incredibly persistent.


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“I am…defined by my curiosity and thirst for learning…
I buy more books than I can finish.
I sign up for more online courses than I can complete.  

I fundamentally believe that if you are not learning new things, 
you stop doing great and useful things.”
Satya Nadella, CEO Microsoft

The best that I know are probably defined by two words – ‘curious’ and ‘hungry’.

Their curiosity is reflected in their approach to creating new things, solving
problems and a genuine openness to different points of view.

Their hunger is reflected in their drive to learn new things, always
seeking ways to do things better and perhaps most of all in
being incredibly persistent.

More than a few leaders have lamented with me about
a lack of desire from some of their team to continuously learn.
It really is a mindset.

If we think we know it all, we’re asking for trouble.  The world
doesn’t stand still just because we do.

When you see Mr. Nadella, head of one of the biggest companies in the world,
make a comment like the one above, it perhaps indicates what’s required to
make things better in your own world.

You probably have performance goals or business objectives for yourself
to the end of the year, but do you have learning goals?

I would argue that these are strategically more important because they deal with your capacity to create your future goals.

What are your learning goals to the end of the year?  (professional and personal)

Food for thought.

ps – If you’d like accelerate your learning around your own effectiveness,
this week is final call for places on my next TimeShift workshop.
It starts Wed 26th Aug in Dublin and summary details are below.

Next TimeShift Workshop Dates:
3 morning workshops over 4 weeks to build vital work and life changing habits.

This training helps you improve the output of your most precious resource – your time. It also improves your clarity, mindset and energy.

The next TimeShift workshop runs in Dublin from Wed 26th August.
All details and booking facility here.

The Autumn workshop is always well attended so if you’re interested,
I’d advise booking soon.

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