
Thinking For Your Boss

“The best time to start thinking about your retirement is before the boss does.”


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“The best time to start thinking about
your retirement is before the boss does.”

If you’re the boss, this email may not be for you but for your team.

Then again, many bosses have a boss….

In the Digital Age, it’s all about ‘thinking’ more.
The Industrial Age was all about being told what to do.  Command and control.
The future (which is here…) is about thinking more and more for yourself.

An example of this would be around your priorities…

Most people wait for the ‘boss’/someone else to tell them what the priorities should
be.  And often in the waiting, they never hear what they are – because if you think
you’re busy, try walking in your boss’s shoes!  So it’s easy put the blame everywhere
except where it should be – with you.

Not knowing your priorities because you haven’t been told them is
not a valid excuse any more.

On a simple level, you can provide real value to the business by writing out
your top 5 priorities for the week, based on what you know, and running
them by whoever needs to know to get their comments – this is alignment in action.

Simple stuff, but for whatever reason, it seems to be done less and less.

I think it’s because everyone’s busy doing the stuff that really doesn’t matter…
And being busy is the biggest block to real results.

Food for thought,

ps – I launched my first online course today. I’ve created a digital version of my
popular BluePrint workshop – which helps you create a 3 year vision, professionally
and personally, and a 12 months focus plan.

The details are below and even if it’s not for you, I’d be grateful if you’d share it with
others or consider it as a highly valuable gift – the gift of clarity.

Launch Of First Online Courses – BluePrint Online 
One of the biggest issues I encounter with people is a lack of clarity.

Lack of clarity on what their person and professional vision or goals are.
Lack of clarity of mind.

Most people are quicker to tell you what they don’t want rather than what they want.
Yet, clarity is real power when you get it.

If you’re a regular reader to my weekly mails, you’ll have previously seen me
promote one of my most popular workshops called BluePrint.

I’ve had a lot of requests from people over the past couple of years
to put the workshop online.

It’s taken me a little longer than I expected to figure it out but today
I’m delighted to announce the launch of my first online course – BluePrint online.

What doing this course will do for you is:

– Help you start crafting a meaningful 3 year vision – professional and personal
– Give you tools to improve your confidence and self-esteem
– Remind you of what’s working and what’s not
– Provide powerful tools to focus you on priorities over the next 6 to 12 months
– Improve your clarity, direction and purpose

Doing the physical BluePrint workshop is €237 if you attend.
Doing the BluePrint online course is €97.

And as a promotional offer, for the month of May
I’m reducing it to €47 if you use this code:   SCMAY16

If not for you, it could be the perfect gift for a friend, family member or colleague
because most people don’t have the clarity they should.

All details are here: https://shanecradock.com/blueprint-online/

So if you’re outside Ireland or can’t make it to Dublin or Wicklow, this is a great
opportunity to get high value help from me at a low cost.


All details are here:  https://shanecradock.com/blueprint-online/