
Top 3 Behaviours Of The Most Successful

“If you are not willing to learn, no-one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no-one can stop you.” - Anonymous Over my career to date, I’ve had the fortune and pleasure of working with very successful men and women. A question I get asked often is what traits do they have that stand out? Apart from the obvious traits like setting goals, focus and mindset there are 3 behaviours that come to mind:


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“If you are not willing to learn, no-one can help you.
If you are determined to learn, no-one can stop you.”
– Anonymous

Over my career to date, I’ve had the fortune and pleasure of working with
very successful men and women.

A question I get asked often is what traits do they have that stand out?

Apart from the obvious traits like setting goals, focus and mindset there are 3 behaviours that come to mind:

1. Action Animals:  They are action junkies, always doing something, in relation to their goals.  They generally live by the maxim ‘Act first, think later.’  Their mindset is that doing anything is much better than doing nothing…

2. Feedback Friends:  They understand that few things work right the first time and that things are always changing.  They revel in watching the feedback from their actions to help them get closer to their goals.  They’re open to constructive criticism because they understand there’s usually a nugget or two in there that will be of use.

3. Learning Lovers:  They are very passionate about learning and like the quote above have figured out that the more they learn the more power they have in their career and lives.  This particular trait matched with action and watching feedback creates a very powerful recipe for success.

If you’re looking to improve your chances of your own success, here’s
an idea:
– Score yourself out of 10 for each area with brutal honesty.
– Pick one of the areas and focus on it this week.
– What one key action you can take over the next 7 days to enhance that area?

Or if you have a team, maybe you can share this email and have a discussion
around it to see how people think the team scores overall /10 in the 3 areas?

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Give Yourself A Positive Reset with The Clarity Retreat: Take some meaningful time out for yourself in April 2015 with this new weekend retreat. Spend some structured time out in a positive environment where you will improve your clarity, learn new skills, and develop as a person. Pdf brochure just below or click here.  Discounted fee until 21st March.

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