
Unusual Source Of Inspiration plus Sunday Times


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“In order to improve your game,you must study the endgame before  everything else, for whereas the endings can be studied and mastered by themselves, the middle game and the opening must be studied in relation to the endgame”
– Jose Raul Capablanca

This quote is from a Chess Grandmaster.

I was fascinated to find the emphasis that he put on knowing the endgame.  Especially when your opponent in chess can change
everything with one move.

All of the research shows that people who have a high ability to create more of what matters them, have a clear picture of their end result. Having clarity on what you’re intending to create is a vital key in your success. And note that Jose doesn’t say to ‘know it’- he says to ’study’ it.

To me, that means to spend time looking at it, analysing it, working on it, imagining it…

Think about the top 3 focus areas in your business and life right now.  How much time are you spending ’studying’ your desired endgame? Or how much time are you spending trying to solve problems…?

As he says above “the middle game and the opening must be studied in relation to the endgame”.

What’s your endgame?  Maybe it’s time to spend more time on it…

 ps – If you’d like a little extra inspiration, you can read this article from the weekend

printed in The Sunday Times.  Myself and a client, Morgan Browne, from Intelligent Information Systems feature.