“Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.”
– Richard Branson
Whether you like Richard Branson or not, you have to admire his persistence. The recent tragedy with his rocket plane project highlights one of the reasons why he is so successful in business.
Sheer persistence.
Already years behind where he wanted to be with this pioneering project, despite last week’s major setback, he still keeps going. And it’s that attitude that has allowed some people to change the world.
Edison with the light bulb.
Ford and the car.
Marconi and radio waves.
Steve Jobs with the suite of i products.
You can add to the list I’m sure.
We all benefit from some people’s sheer persistence in the face of what looks like overwhelming odds. One thing is for sure – all of these achievers would have experienced major bumps on the road to their goals.
I guess the question for us all to consider, when we hit the inevitable bump is:
“Will I pull in and end the trip or will I keep driving, even if the trip is going to take much longer than expected?”
To quote Mr. Branson again:
“One thing is certain in business. You and everyone around you will make mistakes.”
And as he’s showing over recent days, that doesn’t mean he stops.
I guess the question for us all to consider, when we hit the inevitable bump is:
“Will I pull in and end the trip or will I keep driving, even if the trip is going to take much longer than expected?”
To quote Mr. Branson again:
“One thing is certain in business. You and everyone around you will make mistakes.”
And as he’s showing over recent days, that doesn’t mean he stops.
ps – Thanks again to those of you who have supported my project, a new stage play called The Waiting Room. My own lesson in persistence pays off!
We’ve had great audiences on the recent tour and you can see it in Dublin City from Thurs 20th Nov to Sat 22nd Nov in Smock Alley Theatre.