
Washington Inspired Home Riots…

January can be a funny month for people, and that’s in normal times. Throw in what’s going on in the world in 2021 and… well… I don’t need to say any more do I? January seems to be the month of riots. Not only did Washington have unbelievable scenes recently but last Monday, we had a riot in our home. Our two kids, Jane (13) and Sam (11) decided that they were not happy about the police home-school state that was being implemented and proceeded to let their feelings be known…by having a few tantrums. At one point I thought I saw my son putting on face paint and a hat with horns… but I think it was just my imagination.


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“Always know that when you come from a place of calm & clarity,

you can deal with anything.”

January can be a funny month for people, and that’s in normal times.

Throw in what’s going on in the world in 2021 and… well… I don’t need to say any more do I?

January seems to be the month of riots. Not only did Washington have unbelievable scenes recently but last Monday, we had a riot in our home.

Our two kids, Jane (13) and Sam (11) decided that they were not happy about the police home-school state that was being implemented and proceeded to let their feelings be known…by having a few tantrums.

At one point I thought I saw my son putting on face paint and a hat with horns… but I think it was just my imagination.

By lunch-time my wife, TLJ*, who is an unusually patient woman said to me “I didn’t sign up for this s***”.

But the good news is that the rioters eventually gave us back our home, and come the evening time everyone had calmed down. And with that calmness came some creative ideas on how to improve the situation for everyone.

And each day has been slightly better since… (slightly is a win folks!)

S*** will happen. Life and business is a full contact sport. We can’t avoid it.

But the key thing if a ‘riot’ (i.e. crazy stuff) is happening around us, is to make sure that there isn’t one happening within us.

One of the things that has surprised me with the start of the new year is how many of the people that I know have stopped doing the things that work for them.

Things that bring just a little more calm and clarity into their days.

Things like a walk for a few minutes, taking time in the morning before the day starts to clarify their main outcomes, taking regular breaks and doing some deep, mindful breathing. Simple stuff that is free.

So, the message today is to remind you of the simple things that you can do every day to win the day – even, and especially during tough uncertain times.

What works for you?

Will you do it?



*TLJ stands for The Lovely Judy. 🙂

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