
Wisdom from A President


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“Do what you can, with what you have,
where you are.”
– Theodore Roosevelt

Very often when you’re trying to create, achieve or change
it can seem that you just don’t have the means, know-how
or contacts to make it so.

Yet time and time again, I encounter people who succeed
with what they have and it’s usually much less than
what others think i.e. they make the most of what they
have and don’t use it as an excuse – and for that reason they succeed.

The blocks to going for it can be perfection, or lack of know-how
but they funny thing is if you just keep doing what you can,
with what you have, regardless of your situation,
you can make miracles happen.

The trick is to not allow yourself to stop.

Have a great week.

[This content is taken from one of Shane’s free weekly e-mails, Inspire Me.  You can join the mailing list on the home page]