
Eyes On The Right Ball: Exceeding Expectations in 2024


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“The mind is everything.

What you think you become.”


“I won’t hit target in Q1 but the rest of the year should be fine.”

This surprising statement came from two unexpected sources last week.

Curiosity led me to ask, “Why do you say that?”

Their responses were similar and echoed a common sentiment in their industries – a slow start, but optimism for a rebound in the second half of the year.

Market dynamics are undeniable, yet I can’t help but think of what I call the Missile FundaMental (Something I explain in detail in my book The Inner CEO) and it’s this:

Your mind is like a missile. It moves towards what you’re focused on.

While it’s crucial to acknowledge shifts in the market, the best I’ve worked with don’t settle for projections. Instead, they obsess over a different question:

“How do I exceed my target regardless of the market?”

In downturns, many take their eyes off the ball, creating opportunities for the people with stronger mindsets to score.

You may have nothing to do with sales and so you might fall for the trap of thinking this doesn’t relate to you but believe me, it does.

Because it comes into everything.

Our inner voices has a story for what it ‘thinks’ is going to happen this year, in every aspect of our lives. But have you stopped to consider challenging what it’s saying? And to challenge it if needed?

For example, what are you saying to yourself in these areas about this year or the coming months?

  • Your role?
  • Your team?
  • Your business?
  • Your health?
  • Your core relationships?
  • Your life?

Perhaps this week, consider reflecting on your inner story about the future and instead of just going with it, ask yourself a better question, like the one above.

Shift your focus, redirect your inner missile and let’s make your entire year a winning game – regardless.



PS – There’s a community hike this Friday in the mystical and beautiful lands of Co. Wicklow, Ireland. All details here. It’s free and open to anyone but… we need you to register via this form which closes this evening.

Gain Even More Clarity, Confidence And Control: The only MindShift program in 2024 starts on 19th February but we close doors on the 13th. This unique opportunity is designed to elevate your work and life over 8 transformative weeks, virtually. Check out all the details here.

The Inner Edge Podcast: Short, bite-sized nuggets of 10-12 minutes, designed to give you motivation and plenty of inspirational food for thought. Listen on my website here or on all major podcasting platforms.

This week’s episode, Ep 164: Your Conditional Thinking

The Inner CEO – Get The Best-Selling Book

What’s it about? Becoming the boss of your mind and thriving, not just in business and leadership but in all areas of your life. What’s different about it? It’s very digestible, relatable and packed with priceless tips. Using stories, metaphors and memorable frameworks you will get insights on your own inner game you hadn’t considered before. Find out more here at www.theinnerceo.com

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