
Facing The Sun Or Your Shadow

When we face the sun, even metaphorically, we cast a shadow behind us.


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Face The Sun

“Don’t hunt for trouble, but look for success;

You’ll find what you look for—don’t look for distress.

If you see but your shadow, remember, I pray,

That the sun is still shining, but you’re in the way.

Don’t grumble, don’t bluster, don’t sigh and don’t shirk;

Don’t think of your worries, but think of your work.

The worries will vanish, the work will be done,

No man sees his shadow – who faces the sun.

– Poet Unknown

I was in my office early this morning and came across the poem above and it gave me the inspiration for today’s email (I write most of these weekly posts on the morning they go out).

While most of Europe melts under in an unusually hot July, the sun seems to have mostly abandoned Ireland and the UK. Certainly where I am in Wicklow (just south of Dublin), it’s bizarrely wet and cloudy for this time of the year.

When the sun is out, with a ‘nice’ temperature and blue skies, it lifts most people’s moods. It seems easier to be in good form. When the clouds come, our mood can drop too and this usually ripples into every aspect of our work and lives.


The poem above reminds us that we have more control and influence over our ‘inner weather’.

Just like the sun continues to shine behind the clouds, positivity and opportunities are always present—sometimes, we just need to shift our focus.

When we face the sun, even metaphorically, we cast a shadow behind us—the shadow of worries and negativity vanishes as we choose to embrace optimism.

So, no matter the weather outside, let’s take charge of our inner weather.

Where can you face the sun today?



PS – Today’s podcast shares one angle on what to do when your weather system brings ‘inner fog’ and blocks any sense of clarity on your personal vision. Link below or on your favourite podcast platform.

The Inner Edge Podcast: Short, bite-sized nuggets designed to give you motivation and plenty of inspirational food for thought. Listen on my website here or on all major podcasting platforms.

This week’s episode: 137: When You Have No Vision

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