“Sound when stretched is music.
Movement when stretched is dance.
Mind when stretched is meditation.
Life when stretched is celebration.“
Shri Ravishankar Jee
In my mid-twenties, I found myself in challenging mental waters and was lucky enough to have been connected with a skilful counsellor.
At one of our regular Friday sessions, he asked me this question:
“When do you learn most Shane? When things are good or when things are challenging?”
In my naivety, I answered “When things are good because mentally you’re calm and can take things in.”
My counsellor smiled and replied
“I think you’re confusing real learning with school learning.”
There’s a lot of wisdom in that and I’ve since gone on to realise that the majority of my game changing learning has come from times where I was really challenged – where I ended up being shaken up and really stretched.
Does that mean we need to wait for s*** to happen before we really learn? No, but it is a comfort to know that there are gems to be had on the other side of those tough times.
But why wait for the pain?
A more pro-active way to do this is to hang out with people who stretch you. People who have your best interest at heart but, importantly they:
- Don’t accept your excuses
- They challenge your thinking
- They help you manage your ego
- They make you doubt yourself at times but for the right reasons
i.e. they stretch you.
Life when stretched is celebration.
You when stretched is growth.
Who can stretch you this week?
Do you know someone who would benefit from reading this? Feel free to share it with them. To make this super simple, I’ve included some share buttons a little further down this page.
Free Ask Me Anything Webinar:
What’s your most pressing challenge or important question you’d like to answer? I may be able to help. Join me on November 25th for an hour you can ask anything you wish, anonymously. What if I have a solution to your most pressing problem?
Details and registration here.
The Inner Edge Podcast:
Short episodes of 10-15 minutes released every Monday morning. Recent episodes include:
- The Myth Of Working Hard
- Getting Through A S*** Storm
- Learning From Golf (Even If You Don’t Like It)
Listen to the latest episode on my website here or on all major podcast platforms.
Online Academy – Learn At Your Own Pace Anywhere In The World
I have a range of online courses and workshops you can do in your own time and some you can participate in live. Access details here.
3 Breakthrough Days With Like Minded Leaders – 2022 Applications Now Open For The Thrive Experience:
Applications for this years unique retreat for C-Suite leaders and business owners is now closed but you can register your interest for the 2022 event here.