
Killing The Monster Within

The battle referred to above isn’t the battle of living, it’s the battle within. A battle with the monster of resistance inside us.


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“The warrior and the artist live by the same code of necessity,

which dictates that the battle must be fought anew every day.”

– Steven Pressfield

The battle referred to above isn’t the battle of living, it’s the battle within.

A battle with the monster of resistance inside us.

That resistance can show itself as distraction, fear, anxiety, procrastination, doubt, perfectionism, ego, narcissism, self-loathing or guilt to name a few limiting emotions and mental patterns.

It will seem logical, compelling and very very real. But it’s not.

Two things I’ve learned in my own journey have proved incredibly valuable:

1. Great People Have Inner Battles Too

I used to think I was the only one who had these inner demons, these inner debilitating thoughts. Then I discovered that everyone does, even the best of the best. But the people I really admired had learned to ignore their inner resistance, to not be affected by it and just take balanced, calm action. They kept showing up and fighting anew. That gave me great comfort – especially in ‘tough’ times.

2. The Resistance Monster Is A Guide

This learning shocked me. The more important something is to your development, to your soul’s evolution, the more inner push-back you get. The benefit of this is that you can use this inner resistance as a powerful signal i.e. where there is inner push-back, is the place of highest value in your life.

Where is your resistance strongest?

Maybe it’s a change in direction. Perhaps it’s trying to get a new project off the ground or possibly it’s about learning something new and giving it time.

What would happen if today you deliberately took out the sword of awareness and put it through the heart of the inner monster?

What actions would you take?



New Podcast Episode: In the latest Inner Edge episode, I share some valuable thoughts on why you should slow not just your podcast, but yourself down.

Listen on my website here or on all major podcasting platforms.

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