
Stepping Backwards or Forwards

I find it quite interesting that in relation to the above quote most people never think they are stepping back into safety.


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“In any given moment we have two options:

to step forward into growth or

to step back into safety.”

Abraham Maslow

I find it quite interesting that in relation to the above quote most people never think they are stepping back into safety.

Here are some examples of unseen safety.

The safety of:

  • My own opinions, my own beliefs.
  • My comfort zone
  • Keeping my mouth shut
  • Sticking with the way things are
  • The people I know, the crowd
  • My habitual thinking

If we’re lucky, a crisis can force us out of the safety zone and into the growth one. Many new businesses start like this, often new opportunities emerge like this too.

All growth happens by adapting to a new reality. We are hard-wired to adapt if we just engage with what’s in front of us. It’s the fear of a new experience that seems to be the biggest unconscious blocker to growth.

I’m aware of this in myself as I step into the arena of launching a book. I see areas to step into growth and plenty of areas to step back into safety!

Watch yourself this week and see which way you feel inclined to step as you go about your life.



PS – Thanks to everyone who helped out with my recent questions on the book front – it has provided some fantastic input into shaping the end result. I’ll be closing the super short survey here later this week.

New Podcast Episode: In the latest Inner Edge episode, I share the wisest words ever spoken. Listen on my website here or on all major podcasting platforms.

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