
Mandela’s Trait To Copy


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“Do not judge me by my successes,
judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”
Nelson Mandela

Sad to hear that Nelson Mandela is very ill at the moment.

A great hero of mine, he’s a great example of what it means to be
a genuine human being.

Single minded, compassionate, visionary, dogged, patient, forgiving…
I’m sure you can add many other traits.

His quote above is one to recall again and again.  It’s the mindset
of a champion.  To keep getting up.

Maybe there’s an area in your career/business/life where you’ve
‘fallen’ and have given up?

The best that I work with are great examples of ‘doing whatever it takes’.
They take the hits, but keep getting back up.

As a client said to me last week “If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me”.
