
If You’re Frustrated, Consider This

“I guess I can do something.” This is a phrase I heard earlier this year from a smart business owner (and it comes up with most people at some point). It was an answer in relation to me asking what they thought was impossible but if they could do it, it would be amazing. As it turned out, it wasn’t impossible - because they’re particular goal has been achieved by many other people. It’s just that it was impossible to them because they couldn’t see how to do it based on their circumstances. It’s a very subtle mindset that can creep in on the best of the best.


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“Nothing happens until something moves.”

– Albert Einstein.

“I guess I can do something.”

This is a phrase I heard earlier this year from a smart business owner (and it comes up with most people at some point).

It was an answer in relation to me asking what they thought was impossible but if they could do it, it would be amazing.

As it turned out, it wasn’t impossible – because they’re particular goal has been achieved by many other people. It’s just that it was impossible to them because they couldn’t see how to do it based on their circumstances.

It’s a very subtle mindset that can creep in on the best of the best.

And I’m not immune to it myself. A good friend of mine challenged me with a version of that question a few years ago.

I’d kept going on for years about this idea I had for a comedy stage-play, and how I was frustrated that I just couldn’t seem to get the ‘right time’ to do it.

They asked me what I’d say to a client in the same situation. (It’s tough hanging out with smart people… 🙂 )

Cue me getting into action, during one of the already busiest times of my life, and completing the first draft in 6 months. I then formed a little business around it, and we crowd-funded the play (with many clients and people on this mailing list supporting it).

We sold out the first run in Dublin and then took it on tour around parts of Ireland with a professional crew.

This project was hard – very hard at times – but it wasn’t impossible. And it still ranks as one of the most enjoyable projects I’ve ever done.

But more importantly it taught me a hugely valuable lesson:

Don’t leave what matters most to ‘someday’.

What’s your ‘someday’ project or goal?

  • Selling your business
  • Writing something
  • Setting up a new business
  • Getting healthy and fit
  • Changing direction
  • Improving a key relationship
  • Starting a new project
  • Learning a new habit

It’s probably worth tuning into the narrative your inner voice is telling you around this goal. And if ‘someday’ or ‘when the timing is right’ is in there anywhere, you know you’re onto something…

People wait for the New Year to set ‘resolutions’ but they’re really just a waste of time because most of them won’t happen. Far better to start today on something that really matters.

The timing will never be right. That’s why today is the right day to start.

What is a daily action you can work on to move your ‘someday’ project forward? Will you do it?

Nothing happens until something moves.

What do you really want to move? Will you start today?



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