
A Meaningful What & Why, Beats The How

“When a person is clear on why they are doing something, they will endure the pain of any how.”


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“When a person is clear on why they are doing something,

they will endure the pain of any how.”

My son Sam (8) hates tidying his bedroom.

But he loves the iPad.

So occasionally myself and Judy will link the pain of tidying his bedroom (properly) to the reward of some time on the iPad. Then watch him transform into the most efficient bedroom cleaner of all-time…:)

The difference in his energy and quality of work when a meaningful (to him) reward is involved is stark.

Most people seem to only take the most important actions when they have to.

⁃ An imminent deadline…

⁃ A people problem that now has to be solved or else…

⁃ A health issue that is now life threatening…

– Follow up when the sales deadline approaches…

But it can often be too late for your best work and usually there’s more pain involved.

The seemingly urgent seems to blind us to the more important strategic activities. But one way to counteract this, is to create a meaningful Why.

Why are you doing what you’re doing? Do you even know why?

Have you spent time thinking about what you want your life and work to look like?

To deliberately make it more meaningful and purposeful?

The pay-off is a more fulfilled and motivated you. And most likely a better world.

And it is absolutely possible.

When you have a clear picture of What you want and an emotional connection as to Why you want it, you will push into the ‘pain’ areas quicker – These are the areas most people avoid.

And it’s one of the mindsets that determines your level of success in any area.

As one of my mentors once said to me:

“Successful people form the habit of doing the things most people don’t like to do.”

But the question is why do they do that? The answer is partly in the above.

They are being driven by a deeper sense of purpose that is coming from a compelling vision.

What can you do about your Vision and Purpose this week?

Don’t be like Sam and wait for someone else to motivate you – spend some time discovering what really inspires and motivates you into better action. Be your own motivator.


ps – My BluePrint workshop is one way to jump-start your Vision and Purpose. It runs on December 8th in Dublin. Full details here.

Upcoming Events/Training:

Online Book Launch: Join me for questions, answers and some prizes at the re-launch of my book Inspire Me. Wed 15th Nov @9.30pm Irish time. Register here.

Public Talk: Nov 22nd, 6-8pm, Dublin City.

‘Achieve. Succeed. Enhancing Your Abillity To Succeed.’ – Hosted by Mark Kelly, creator of What I Know Now, I am speaking at this evening event and will be sharing new content not given before on the common mistakes made by people in achieving success and what to do about it. Great value tickets. Nov 22nd, 6-8pm, Dublin City. Details here.

BluePrint – 1 Day To Create A 3 Year Vision And A 12 Month Plan: Dec 8th, Dublin.

Join me at my popular visioning and planning day taking place in December for the first time. The venue on Friday 8th December is in Swords, Co. Dublin at the unique Emmaus centre. More details and booking facility is here. The normal fee is €237 per person but there is an early bird of €197 if you book before 9th November.

Recent Blogs:

Hurricane Ophelia, The Homeless And Opportunities. Read here.

Doing The Right Thing/Las Vegas. Read here.


My Blog – The Eye Of The Storm: https://shanecradock.com/blog/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/shanecradock

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShaneCradock.InspiredBusiness/

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shanecradock/

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