
A Month Of Experimentation

Over the last 2 weeks a few people who read this weekly post told me they hadn’t realised I have a podcast. So this note is to let you know I have one… :).... plus to give you a challenge. It started as an experiment in February this year and has evolved into a weekly podcast that ranges in time from 8-15 minutes usually. (Details and link to the podcast are below) So far it’s been an enjoyable learning curve and I really like the format. The quote above is one I think is important as you get older. The greatest workshop of all is your life. Experimentation is key to ensuring vitality and aliveness, yet it's so easy to fall into a non-experimentation way of living.


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“All life is an experiment.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Over the last 2 weeks a few people who read this weekly post told me they hadn’t realised I have a podcast.

So this note is to let you know I have one… :)…. plus to give you a challenge.

It started as an experiment in February this year and has evolved into a weekly podcast that ranges in time from 8-15 minutes usually. (Details and link to the podcast are below)

So far it’s been an enjoyable learning curve and I really like the format.

The quote above is one I think is important as you get older. The greatest workshop of all is your life. Experimentation is key to ensuring vitality and aliveness, yet it’s so easy to fall into a non-experimentation way of living.

As we are now into the 2nd half of the year, my challenge for you this week is to consider ‘experimentation’.

Where will you experiment over the coming months? Over the next month?

The value of a crisis is that it often pushes us into ‘forced experimentation’. Hence all of the innovation coming from the global pandemic.

But why wait for that pain?

Why not jump into experimentation now?

Where can you try new things this month?



PS – Just in case you weren’t aware either, my podcast is titled ‘The Inner Edge’ and in it I explore my own view on what it takes to create meaningful success and a high performance life. Feel free to email me a question or topic you’d like me to share thoughts on.

Do you know someone who would benefit from reading this? Feel free to share it with them. To make this super simple, I’ve included some share buttons a little further down this page.

New Podcast Episode: In today’s episode I explore Mindfulness & Meditation and challenge the viewpoint many have on them. Listen on my website or on all major podcast platforms.

MindShift Virtual: Registration for the next program in the autumn is now open with a generous reduction available until the 7th August. Details here.

Online Academy: I have a range of online courses and workshops you can do in your own time and some you can participate in live. Access details here.

The Thrive Experience – 2022 Applications Open: Applications for this years unique retreat for C-Suite leaders is now closed but you can register your interest for the 2022 event here.