
Are You Breathing Your Own Exhaust?


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“You need outside advice and fresh air, or you’re merely breathing your own exhaust.”

Johnny Carson, American comedian and talk show host.

I returned last week from my annual retreat for leaders, Thrive, where we spent plenty of time outdoors — hiking, mountain biking, and even outdoor yoga.

The fresh air and physical activity were invigorating. But more than just the physical fresh air, it was a few days filled with thought-provoking conversations, both professional and personal.

That kind of “mental fresh air” — the differing perspectives and insights from others — is equally important.

It reminded me how easy it can be to fall into a pattern of thinking that becomes stale, repetitive, and self-reinforcing if you don’t actively seek out new ideas or voices to challenge you. When we spend too much time breathing our own exhaust, we get stuck in our own headspace.

We assume our perspectives are the only valid ones, our ways of working are the most effective, and our current course is the best path forward.

But in reality, staying in this loop can lead to missed opportunities, stagnation, or even burnout. A fresh perspective is often the oxygen that revitalises us.

At Thrive, I saw leaders who, after just a few days of stepping out of their routines, experienced more clarity and breakthroughs in both their professional and personal lives.

The combination of new conversations, different ideas, and time spent away from the usual grind helped them rediscover clarity and refresh their focus.

Some food for thought:

  1. How often do you seek fresh perspectives? Are you allowing space for new inputs, or are you spinning the same mental wheels each day?
  2. When was the last time you asked for feedback from someone outside your immediate circle? We often rely on the same trusted voices, but sometimes it’s the unexpected opinion or outside advice that can spark the biggest shift.
  3. Are you getting enough “mental fresh air”? Just as your body needs fresh air to thrive, so does your mind. This could mean spending time with people who think differently, trying new experiences, or simply unplugging from the daily grind to allow space for new ideas to breathe.

I encourage you to take a look at your week and maybe the month ahead.

Where can you invite some ‘fresh air’ into your world?



The Inner Edge Podcast – Most Recent Episode:

Ep 198: The Power Of Poetic Courage

Listen on my website here or on all major podcasting platforms.

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