
Distracted By The Donald

“You can’t do major things if you’re distracted by minor things.”


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“You can’t do major things if you’re distracted by minor things.”

I was running my BluePrint Business workshop last Friday in Dublin where business people
had taken a day out to focus on creating a vision for the next 3 years, and then create a plan
for 2017 to move towards it.

Donald Trump and his actions inevitably came up in discussion during the day.

One of the attendees admitted to the group that he had just realised that that he had become
consumed with The Donald – so much so that it was affecting his sleep and productivity in

His mind had also become very distracted and distraught at the uncertainty created – and
during the workshop he was realising how much it had been affecting his state of mind.

When your state of mind drops, so too does your ability to increase profit.

The problem is that we can’t control what happens in The White House.

But we can control where we put our attention.

We can learn to manage ourselves better.

If we took the attention and energy we put into The Donald, the news, social media or any
other distraction…how much more value could you bring into your business or life?

What you focus on matters – more than ever.


Interesting Audios To Listen To On The Move

3 hour long audios that offer great insight into achieving your goals. You can download to
your computer or mobile device and make even better use of your travel time.

1. What Matters Most

The 6 things that make the biggest difference to my private clients.

2. 19 Habits

19 ways to dramatically boost your productivity, effectiveness and balance. Includes

3. Success In The Year Ahead

Powerful insights on how to make the most of the year ahead. Includes workbook.

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