
How To Turn 1 Hour Into 30 Days.


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“Nothing is so dear and precious as time.”
– French Proverb


I was working with a client a few weeks ago when they pointed out that one of the changes we’d made to her working life had added 30 days of ‘High Value Focus’ to her business time.


She listed the top 3 areas of return for her time daily and then decided how much time she would devote to each of these. One of the areas was previously getting no time.  So she decided to spend 1 hour a day on this particular activity. As she explained to me: ‘1 hour a day for 5 days is 5 hours a week. 5 hours a week for 48 weeks a year is 240 hours. 240 hours divided by 8 hours a day gives 30 days.’

Where previously there was no time given to a high value activity, now it’s getting 30 days focus a year – or 1/12th of the year! Too often we can ‘keep putting off’ the high pay-off actions in our business and personal lives (i.e. the Rocks) in favour of  low value actions (the pebbles and sand).

What 1 area could you devote 1 hour daily to?

– Your client relationships?

– Your teams’ mindset?

– That book you’ve always wanted to write?  (Go on, turn off the tv….)

– Getting fit and healthy again?

– An area of your business that needs attention?

– Visualisation of your future?

Choices, choices….

Have a great week,

Best Regards,

