
Does Anyone Really Change?


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“What gets measured, gets done.”

The question in the subject line was the focus of a group of
top leadership trainers in North America.

They had being running workshops for years without checking
on results.

So they went back to all of their participants (over 86,000)
to find out if people had ‘stuck with the program’ and really changed.

The answer was enlightening as well as shocking.

The answer was no.  The majority had fallen back into old habits.

Their conclusion?

That very few people achieve positive, lasting change without ongoing
follow up.  The people who had changed were those that had regular
follow up and measuring of progress -either through their manager,
a coach, mentor or friend whoheld them accountable and
checked on their progress

If you’re looking for long-lasting positive change, it’s worth considering
the above.

Think of the one area that you want the biggest improvement…

Who is measuring and following up with you?

And if you have a team, who is doing the same for them?

Have a great week.