
For The Big Decisions In Life, Remember This

“For the big decisions in life, you need to reach a deeper region of consciousness. Making decisions then becomes not so much about 'deciding' as about letting an inner wisdom emerge." - W. Brian Arthur, renowned economist W. Brian Arthur is an economist and complexity thinker. He has degrees in operations research, economics, mathematics, and electrical engineering i.e. he's a smart dude! :) So this quote above is fascinating because he's pointing to something beyond our intellectual minds when it comes to the big decisions.


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“For the big decisions in life,

you need to reach a deeper region of consciousness.

Making decisions then becomes not so much about ‘deciding’

as about letting an inner wisdom emerge.”

W. Brian Arthur, renowned economist

W. Brian Arthur is an economist and complexity thinker. He has degrees in operations research, economics, mathematics, and electrical engineering i.e. he’s a smart dude! 🙂

So this quote above is fascinating because he’s pointing to something beyond our intellectual minds when it comes to the big decisions.

It has various names.

Your gut, your intuition, your ‘inner wisdom’.

Joseph Jaworksi calls it ‘The Entrepreneurial Impulse’ or ‘The Source’.

Joseph (now 87) has spent the majority of his life pioneering new approaches to leadership, innovation and entrepreneurialism. A synchronistic meeting with Brian Arthur ended up having a profound effect on Joseph’s life and as a result, the lives of tens of thousands of leaders.

Why? Because Arthur explained clearly the importance and possibilities of accessing this deep inner wisdom.

That has been a passion of mine for many years and is the reason I came across Joseph’s work. I’ve been fortunate to get to connect with Joseph over the last 18 months and a few weeks ago he agreed to record an interview with me.

It ended up being a conversation packed with insights and thought provoking information. For example:

  • What is the essential quality of great leadership?
  • How a globally renowned physicist recognised the importance of connecting with the source of the entrepreneurial impulse
  • How, as individuals, teams and organisations, we can all shape the future and not just react to it
  • The best way to unblock fixed mental models
  • The role nature plays in accessing The Source

And lots more.

If interested, you can listen to the interview here or on any major podcasting platform.

Regardless, maybe today’s note will inspire or remind you to do whatever works for you to re-connect with that place of inner wisdom.

As Joseph said:

It takes courage to listen to your inner knowing.

But once you hear that knowing, making a decision becomes fairly easy.”



PS – Search terms for the podcast episode re: Inner Edge Cradock Jaworski Leadership

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Latest Episode on The Inner Edge Podcast: The Key To Winning More Often

All episodes are between 10-15 minutes in length and the podcast is available on all major podcasting platforms including Apple Podcasts and Spotify. You can listen on my website also.

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