
Self-Belief, Teamwork & A Clear Gameplan – Ireland & The Dubs.


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Here’s your shot of inspiration this week:

“Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires avid faith in yourself. That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with great inner drive, go much further than people with vastly superiortalent.”

– Sophia Loren

This weekend was a triumph for self-belief, hungry teamwork and a clear game plan. First, Ireland beat Australia in rugby for the first time ever in a world cup.  Then, Dublin beat Kerry in the All-Ireland Gaelic Football final.

In both cases,  the winners were competing against competition that player for player are more skilful than them. Self-belief, teamwork and a clear game plan can work wonders.  What can you do this week to bring more of  these 3 qualities into your business?

Get them right and magic can happen….

Have a great week,


ps – The last day for the recent poll is today (What % of Success is Mental) – If you haven’t voted I’d appreciate you taking 30 secs to do so – Click Here