“The cave you fear to enter
holds the treasure you seek.”
― Joseph Campbell
“I’m not ready to do that.”
So said the experienced entrepreneur to me in response to me challenging them to look in the mirror in relation to some problems they had. So we stopped working together.
They wouldn’t admit it but they were afraid. There’s nothing unusual about that because the truth is that everyone I know experiences fear – albeit in different ways and at different times.
It seems, on the outside, that some people are really good at ignoring their fears, especially if they have achieved some level of success but that is never the full story. Often you can take action despite fear but it can still keep you in an unconscious bind.
It appears to me that your level of success rarely exceeds your level of personal growth.
And personal growth requires an honest look at yourself in the mirror regularly. Indeed when you look at any significant leadership failures it’s often because of a lack of humility to do frequent reality checks.
Many people won’t admit the fear they have around looking in the mirror and doing the work that really matters i.e. working on your-self.
It’s true that it does take courage. It’s true that it can be painful. But not all pain is ‘bad’…
Lifting weights in the gym isn’t pain free, but the reward is muscle growth.
Persisting with selling isn’t pain fee, but the reward is business growth.
And exploring your own ‘edges’ isn’t pain free, but the reward is growth in clarity, awareness and energy.
We all have caves we fear to enter.
The question is which one will you explore this week…? 🙂
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Upcoming Webinar – Win Bigger In 2022:
Join me for an hour of inspiration next Monday 17th January. Details and registration here. If you can’t make it live, you can get the recording if you get a ticket in advance.
A perfect compliment to this webinar is my free workbook Win Bigger – 22 Questions For A Great 2022. Available here for a little while longer.
The Inner Edge Podcast: New episode out today – The Spirit In True Success. Short thought provoking content available on all major podcasting platforms, or listen on my website here.