
A Game-Changing Realisation

It was just the mouthpiece for the blend of beliefs, past experiences, knowledge, values, and opinions that I have collected in my unconscious mind over time.


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The point of inner work is to build consciousness.

By learning to do your own inner work, you gain insight into the conflicts and challenges that your life presents.

You are able to search the hidden depths of your own unconscious to find the strengths and resources that wait to be discovered there.”

Robert A. Johnson

I particularly resonate with the above quote because it highlights the importance of doing our own inner work to gain insight into the conflicts and challenges that life presents us.

For me, one of the most profound realisations in my own journey of self-discovery was when I realised that my inner voice was not me. It was just the mouthpiece for the blend of beliefs, past experiences, knowledge, values, and opinions that I have collected in my unconscious mind over time.

While all of these have value, they are from the past and do not know the future. If I’m not careful, my inner voice will colour my experience of the present, how I see people, and how I see myself.

But here’s the thing:

The fact that I can be aware of my thinking means that there’s something in there separate from my thinking. The mere act of observance tells me that there is something there doing the observing, and that is the real me – the awareness, the witness, the observer.

The realisation that my inner voice was not me was initially very confusing but eventually hugely liberating. It allowed me to monitor my thoughts and not believe everything my inner voice was saying. My inner voice has a value without a doubt, but I had to learn to take it with a grain of salt.

I wanted to share this with you in case you needed a reminder that your inner voice is not you. Or perhaps this is the first time you’ve heard something like this.

What’s that voice saying about the week ahead? Today? Your life? A project? The people around you?

What would happen if you challenged what that voice is saying? Or at the very least questioned it’s veracity?

In my experience, that act is one of the best you can make for true growth.

Have a great week,



New Podcast Episode: In this week’s episode I explore one answer to the question – ‘How do you deal with difficult people?’. Listen on my website here or on all major podcasting platforms.