
Displacing A Controlling Mind

We all have an inner life, an inner world and the quality of that world determines our outer quality of life, the quality of our results in all areas.


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“You have two choices:

To control your mind or to let your mind control you.”

Paula Coelho

I was running a workshop for leaders recently about how our inner worlds determine our outer results.

It’s hard to predict how people react to this kind of workshop but for most it’s usually eye-opening.

We all have an inner life, an inner world and the quality of that world determines our outer quality of life, the quality of our results in all areas.

One of the leaders present, a very successful woman in her own right, came to me at the break and said this:

“I’ve just realised that at the back of my mind I’ve been playing negative images for the future. And I’ve just seen how that has been impacting my mindset, my mood, my energy.”

Her face seemed brighter and more alive compared to when we started that morning. A light had definitely gone on. She has since gone on to raise her game and is bringing radically better focus and energy to her work – and her life.

The reality though is that she will likely get caught out again with her thinking. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve caught myself doing something similar.

Thought is very subtle and very sneaky…

What we play in the movie theatres of our minds impacts on how we see the world and by default, how we interact with it.

There are day to day movies that change as your life changes but it’s the ones at the back of your mind that have the biggest impact. Usually these are unconscious until you start looking for them.

Importantly, you do have a choice as to whether you want to keep playing it.

Change something with your ‘inner’ world and it ripples automatically into your ‘outer’ one.

What’s at the back of your mind?

Do you want to keep it there?



New Podcast Episode: In the latest Inner Edge episode, I explore one of the amazing qualities we all share – our ability to shape and create the future. Listen on my website here or on all major podcasting platforms.