
Pause. Stare. Create.

A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. Taken from the poem ‘Leisure’ By William Henry Davies I’m sitting writing this email this morning in a busy restaurant at a retail village on the out-skirts of Dublin. The restaurant is Saba, a top thai/vietnamese restaurant, located in […]

How To Keep Your Inner Fire Alive

“To know what you prefer, instead of humbly saying ‘Amen’ to what the world tells you to prefer, is to have kept your soul alive.” —Robert Louis Stevenson Last week, I spent time with two groups of leaders I meet once a quarter – both unusually at the same hotel but on different days. These […]

A Powerful Question At The Dinner Table

“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, […]

The Incredible Power Of A 2 Letter Word

“People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation […]

Persisting Through Rejection

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” – Albert Einstein Almost 12 months ago to the day, my book The Inner CEO was launched into the world. Looking back on the experience, I can tell you it wasn’t an easy journey—far from it. It was a 5-year process filled with rejection, […]

Believing In The Impossible Being Done

“Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.” – This quote is often attributed to Chinese philosopher Confucius, “I want to thank you for enabling me to believe in the impossible being done.” Someone I respect hugely once said this to me. They had achieved their ‘Mission Impossible.’ […]

Are You All In?

“This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognised by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will […]

The Hidden Key to Better Resilience, Self-Esteem, and Confidence

“The loudest clock isn’t always the one that keeps the best time.” Next Monday, I’ll be a guest on a webinar where we’ll be discussing a topic close to my heart: Building Emotional Resilience. For me, emotional resilience is deeply connected to Self-Esteem (SE) and Confidence (C)—two pillars that help us not just survive but […]

Are You Breathing Your Own Exhaust?

“You need outside advice and fresh air, or you’re merely breathing your own exhaust.” Johnny Carson, American comedian and talk show host. I returned last week from my annual retreat for leaders, Thrive, where we spent plenty of time outdoors — hiking, mountain biking, and even outdoor yoga. The fresh air and physical activity were […]

Are You Losing What Money Can’t Buy?

“It is good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good too, to check up once in a while and make sure you haven’t lost the things money can’t buy.” George Lorimer On the day this email goes out, I’m in the middle of hosting my annual leaders retreat, The […]

Looking For Inspiration?

Every Monday morning since 2008, I’ve been sending quick, impactful emails to kickstart your week. In under 60 seconds, get stories, insights, and tools for personal excellence.