
Sneaky Thoughts at the Back Door of Your Mind

We've all experienced it, haven't we? Those thoughts that subtly infiltrate our thinking, colouring our emotions and shaping our outlook.


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“You experience what you’re looking through”

I recently had a thought-provoking conversation with a client where we delved into the topic of sneaky thoughts that find their way through the back door of our minds and how they can significantly impact our perception of situations.

We’ve all experienced it, haven’t we? Those thoughts that subtly infiltrate our thinking, colouring our emotions and shaping our outlook.

My client discovered the presence of such thoughts, which had remained hidden for a couple of weeks, only to realise how negatively they had influenced their perspective on a particular situation. It was an eye-opening moment, and it reminded me of the importance of staying vigilant – no matter how good you think you are.

These sneaky thoughts can amplify our ego, trigger insecurities, provoke anger, frustration, stress, or anxiety. But if they’re ‘hidden’, they go unchallenged. And in my experience, most of the time, they are not true. That’s a dangerous situation.

Just like we wouldn’t tolerate uninvited guests sneaking into our homes, we should be equally mindful of the uninvited inner visitors we allow into our minds.

This week, perhaps reflect on your own inner landscape. Are there any thoughts or influences that have made their way through the back door of your mind?

By bringing awareness to them, we can consciously address and transform their impact on our emotions and perceptions.

You hold the power to decide who and what gets to occupy your inner space. Let’s strive for a clear and peaceful mind, free from the interference of uninvited guests.



New Podcast Episode: In this week’s episode I share some ideas about How To Use Thought More Constructively. Listen on my website here or on all major podcasting platforms.