
How To Play The Game Of Life Successfully

“So we see, to play successfully the game of life we must train the imaging faculty.” – Florence Schovel Shinn

“But what do I do with this?”

A client had called me unexpectedly because something had happened that literally blew their mind.

They had been focusing for a couple of years on a visualisation of a house they wanted to live in. He was so passionate about it that he created was is now known as a ‘vision board’ and would frequently look at it and daydream. (Key point…)

Many business people can see something like this as childish, but it might surprise you as to how many don’t…

Stand Guard At The Entrance Of Your Mind

“True life is lived when tiny changes occur.” ― Leo Tolstoy

I was up early this morning and went for a walk around Wicklow, a harbour town on the east coast of Ireland.

It was cold and dark but the sound of something familiar but yet, unfamiliar, caught my attention and made me smile.

It was the sound of beer kegs being loaded onto a waiting Guinness truck, parked on the side of the street. My smile must have been evident as the two men doing the loading smiled back, I think almost in silent recognition at their own delight to be back doing their work.

Be Careful With The Ideas You Hold On To

“Sometimes ideas hold us down;
they become heavy anchors that hold the bark of identity fixated in shallow dead water. ” – John O’Donohue

I remember there being a time in my life where I would dread Monday mornings – luckily for me, that is no longer the case.

The morning I’m writing and sending out this email/post is Monday 17th January 2022 – the third Monday of the new year.

Already I’ve heard one radio station proclaim that ‘Blue Monday’ has arrived – the worst day of the year, apparently. Except there’s nothing to back that up. It was an idea originally made up by a travel company as a way to encourage holiday sales.

And the phrase stuck, and spread.

Finding The Treasure You Seek

“The cave you fear to enter, holds the treasure you seek.” ― Joseph Campbell

“I’m not ready to do that.”

So said the experienced entrepreneur to me in response to me challenging them to look in the mirror in relation to some problems they had. So we stopped working together.

They wouldn’t admit it but they were afraid. There’s nothing unusual about that because the truth is that everyone I know experiences fear – albeit in different ways and at different times.

Something To Help Your Clarity & Focus in 2022

“Without questions, there is no learning.” – W. Edwards Deming

I’m not big on resolutions at the start of a new year.

But what I do enjoy is the symbolism a fresh year represents.

For example:

The opportunity to leave the past behind and start anew.
The closing of one chapter and the beginning of another.
The shedding of perceived limitations and the stepping into something new.
This year I encourage you to imagine the best in your life and for the lives of the people around you. And to step into inspired action in creating it.

What’s Ahead Vs. What’s Here

“We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us

that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are.”

– Calvin & Hobbes

Someone shared the image above with me recently and I thought I’d share it with you today.

It captures perfectly 2 challenges we all have…

Formula 1 At Home With An Unexpected Audience

“Your big opportunity could be right where you are now.”

Napoleon Hill

“When does the race start?”

These are words that I never could have imagined my wife, TLJ* saying. But that’s the world we live in. Anything really is possible… 🙂

She was referring to the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi yesterday, which ended in one of the most dramatic finishes ever in the sports history.

An Inspiring Example Of Being True To Yourself

“This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.” – The character Polonius, in Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

A very close friend of mine passed last Wednesday and I’d like to dedicate this weekly post to him.

His name is Derek Young and even though you’ve likely never heard of him it’s possible that his work has or will in the years to come affect your life or that of someone close to you.

In his work life he was a medical device inventor and entrepreneur, helping surgeons all over the world convert their ideas into products or devices that improved patient care.

He was only 51 and even though he did amazing work in the medical world his real legacy will be as a father, husband, brother and friend.

How To Find Your Real Passion

“Forget about finding your passion.
Focus on bringing more passion to everything you do. Then your passion finds you.”

Last week one of the questions I was asked during my AMA webinar was ‘How do I find my passion?’

There are several layers to this from my perspective but I think it’s one of the red herrings embedded into the psyche of Western culture i.e. that I have to find my passion or purpose.

That is not my experience.

Passion is a state of being, it’s where you are giving your attention 100% to something. The truth is you can bring passion to anything, now.

Yes, even your work if you ‘hate’ it…

Yes, even your relationships…

Yes, even the business or team that is doing your head in…

How To Not Change The World

“If you want to change the world, who do you begin with,

yourself or others?”

– Alexander Solzhenitsyn

“I’ve had enough of these tech companies. They all say they’re going to change the world but most are just full of it.”

So said someone to me recently, who’s business is all about dealing with tech companies.

They went on to tell me that many of the tech CEOs they were dealing with all had the same mantra of ‘We’re going to change the world’ – but in their opinion a lot of them would mess up the world if they succeeded and indeed, they were already messing up the people around them with the way they were behaving.

Perhaps they feel the need to ‘big up’ what their company is doing to attract talent or investors. Or maybe it’s their ego.

But just like we’ve all become de-sensitised to cold calling insurance salespeople, it seems to me that we’ve all become de-sensitised to the ‘changing the world’ mantra.