
Is My Highest Self On A Beach?


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“My highest self is probably on a beach sipping a mocktail,

wondering why I’m not there yet.”

I’ve likely expressed this sentiment before—I’m not a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions.

However, I do appreciate the symbolic turning of the calendar as an opportunity for an ‘inner refresh/reset’.

One question I find intriguing during this reflection is:

What does the highest version of yourself look like now?

This enquiry sparks ideas for improvements, areas to cultivate, or aspects to reduce/remove in my life. For example:

  • A healthier self with abundant energy…
  • Greater presence to savour life’s moments…
  • Increased momentum in the professional realm…
  • A deeper sense of purpose in daily living…

It strikes me that a fundamental aspect of being human is the innate desire to grow and evolve.

This week, I encourage you to ask this question of yourself and see what answers emerge. When they do, consider then what aspects of your highest self you can integrate into your life now? Reflect on the changes can you make, even small ones, that align with this vision?

And for what it’s worth, I don’t think your highest self is lounging on a beach (not all the time anyway… 🙂 )

It’s more interested in making a real impact. 🙂



PS – The MindShift – The Entrepreneur Experiment Edition 2024 opens today for early-bird registration. This unique opportunity, the only one this year, is designed to elevate your work and life. Limited spots available. Check out all the details here.

True Success Planner: For a limited time you can access my ‘True Success 2024 Planner’ for free. If you’d like to get a copy of it you can do so here.

The Inner Edge Podcast: Short, bite-sized nuggets of 10-12 minutes, designed to give you motivation and plenty of inspirational food for thought. Listen on my website here or on all major podcasting platforms.

This week’s episode, Ep 161: What Will You Change Inside This Year?

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What’s it about? Becoming the boss of your mind and thriving. What’s different about it? It’s very digestible, relatable and packed with priceless tips. Using stories, metaphors and memorable frameworks you will get insights on your own inner game you hadn’t considered before. Find out more here at www.theinnerceo.com